October 10, 2002
Fun with FlashMX

I've spent the last few days learning FlashMX. I have to admit, the learning curve was not to be rekoned with. The good news is the application comes with some great tutorials to help you get started. Anyway, I decided to do a sample presentation for a restaurant that a friend of mine runs called Parallax at Mammoth Mountain.

A couple weeks ago my roommates and I had a bunch of our friends from LA drive up here to Mammoth Lakes for the weekend and stay with us for BBQing and partying. We had a blast and took a ton of pictures, which I finally posted online.

Of all the crazy things I've downloaded off the Internet, this has got to be one of the most wacky. Apparently some guy likes to shoot his fully-auto rifle at dirt. Sounds like fun.

Posted by slugworth at October 10, 2002 01:19 AM
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