November 05, 2002
Have I Failed?

Well after preaching to others about how they should vote I realize my hipocracy in the fact that I never registered to vote in Mono County since I moved here a year ago, I'm supposed to be voting in LA county right now. In the past I would've written it off to the thought that "my vote doesn't really count", but deep down I know that's bullshit and is the procrastinating side of my brain talking. Lately, as I've been peeking my head into the political arena enough to see what's happening in general I feel more like a minority as a democrat in this country. Oh well, hopefully I'll be more on the ball the next round of votes. You can bet that I will be at the 2004 voting booths marking anything but Bush.

Posted by slugworth at November 05, 2002 02:22 PM
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