November 10, 2002
Winter is back

There is something cool about winter that I have forgotten about since all the snow started melting back in May. Don't get me wrong, now that I have lived here in Mammoth one full summer I admit I like the summer as much if not more than winter, but there's something special about being forced to stay indoors where it's warm and watch the storm outside while you sit inside and be lazy. This weekend has been a perfect example of that; while it's snowed a good 6-10 inches here in town and 3-4 feet up on the mountain I've been able to sit on the couch, learn some flash and coldfusion for the new job, and relax with my roommate and fiance and get some serious progress done in GTA: Vice City. I would've gone snowboarding this weekend, but I decided to wait until I get fully hired at the mountain and get my pass so they can't deduct days used from when they refund the pass I bought last spring. IMO, this is going to be an amazing winter!

Posted by slugworth at November 10, 2002 11:52 AM
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